Notre Dame Holy Cross High School, Moharpara donated two oxygen concentrator to Telimura Sub Divisional Hospital on 7th October 2021. On the same day, the management honoured the doctors, Nurses, and health workers of the hospital for their selfless service during this pandemic. Mrs. Kalyani Roy the honourable Chief whip of Tripura Legislative assembly was the Chief Guest. In her address she admired the humane work of Notre Dame Holy Cross High School, Moharpara. She acknowledged the marvellous contribution that the school has done in view of Covid 19. She appreciated the efforts of staff and management for this great gesture. The two oxygen concentrator was donated in view of the current pandemic situation and for the greater benefit of the mass. It was a noble act carried out by the teaching staff and management of the school. Fr. Alfred D Souza, CSC principal of the school welcomed the gathering at the hospital conference room.